Udemy and You (A Simple Online Learning Environment for Your Class)


Looking for a simple way to create an online learning content for your students?  Look no further!  Udemy is an online learning environment that makes creating web-based learning simple and interactive.  With this service you can upload presentations and videos.  You can even host live chat sessions or write blog posts.  This site is simple and easy to use and full of rich media content that will motivate and engage your students.  Out of the  many content management sytems I have looked at ove the past few years this one to me seems to be the most intuitive and easy to use.  This would be a great resource for teachers who want to add an online presence to their classroom but are nervous about how to accomplish the task.

Check this great resource out at:  http://www.udemy.com

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One Response

  1. Hey – just wanted to drop by and say thank you for the kind words about Udemy. We launched the site only a few weeks ago and it’s been amazing to hear the response. Your article in particular was extremely kind – we’re so glad you think that Udemy is easy to use and more friendly than the other options. Please feel free to e-mail or contact me with any questions.

    Gagan Biyani

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