Wondering where to get started with technology in the classroom? Read this article by Lisa Nielsen

Lisa does a great job laying out 10 ways to get started with 21st century learning in the classroom. You know what it really is not that scary!
Click here to read the article by Lisa  Nielsen.techlearning

Good Classroom Resources Can Be Hard To Find

As summer starts to draw to a close,  many of us teachers begin to think of the upcoming school year. We all have visions and ideas that we would like to accomplish in our classrooms, so we begin to scour the internet for lesson plans and ideas. What we find is a vast amount of sites and information that often leave us frustrated and overwhelmed. There are so many different websites and resources on the web.  The problem becomes which sites truly have good lessons. Often times what we find just seems to miss the mark or is just not quite what we are looking for.

Over the course of the last 6 years I have been keeping a list of sites that I have used frequently and have found to be quite good. This is not “THE LIST”  by any means, and I am sure that there are other sites that are just as good if not better. But, I have gone back to all of these sites over and over again and found ideas and lessons that have been quite successful in my classroom.

This is where I would like everyone to weigh in! As you look through this list, if you know of a site that is full of great information please drop me an email or leave the link in the comment section of this blog.

Classroom Resources

Education Planet www.Educationplanet.com

The Gateway http://thegateway.org/

Federal Resources for Educational Excellence  www.ed.gov/free/

CEC Lesson Plans  http://www.col-ed.org/cur/

Mr Donn  http://www.mrdonn.org/

ABC TEACH http://abcteach.com/

Teacher Planet  http://www.teacherplanet.com

Best of History Websites  http://www.besthistorysites.net/LessonPlans.shtml

Education World  http://www.educationworld.com/

Teacher Domain http://www.teachersdomain.org/

We Are Teachers  http://www.weareteachers.com

Teachersfirst.com  http://www.teachersfirst.com/index.cfm

Integrated Technology Lesson Plans http://www.internet4classrooms.com/integ_tech_lessons.htm

Internet 4 Classrooms   http://www.internet4classrooms.com/lesson.htm

Think to Learn  https://think2learn.wikispaces.com

4 Teachers.org   http://www.4teachers.org/

Teacher Vision  http://www.teachervision.fen.com/

The Top Eleven Things All Teachers Must Know About Technology

In reading my morning blogs I came across an article that really made me think about technology. This is a good blog located at http://teachpaperless.blogspot.com/2009/07/top-eleven-things-all-teachers-must.html. This would be great to hand out to at the beginning of the year to other staff members in your school. I think it puts the use of technology in perspective.