Master old Technology Before Introducing New!

As we enter a new year teachers often look at new tools and techniques to enhance their teaching in the classroom.  This can be a daunting task since there are literally thousands of applications, programs and gagets available to teachers.   But this year I decided to stick with the applications and gagets that I am currently using and really learn to master them.  Often times teachers are so busy trying to stay up with the latest trends that we never get to really see the true potential of the applications we are currently using.  Over the past year I have tried out many different applications and found that they did not work as well as I had hoped.  Then later found out that I had not use that application in the correct manner and missed out on the true effectiveness of that application. So this year I am going to stick with a few great applications and master them before moving on to any new ones.  My hope is that me and my students will then truly get the true benefit of the technology used in the classroom.

3 Responses

  1. Great philosophy. I do the same-with so much candy I just want to try it all. I, too, am going to focus on technologies I am currently using. And, maybe and just one new thing this year-sometimes I just can’t help it!

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