15 Free Safe AVATAR Creators

Every year as my class begin to create their online blogs they always want some type of unique avatar to represent themselves. After a long talk about he dangers of an online presence and why not to use their real name, birthday and image of themselves, I point them to the following safe list of avatar creators. These sites are all free avatar creators. This list also represents the most popular avatar creators among my students. If you have another that is popular with your students and is free please drop me a line and let me know.

  1. DoppelMe – Free Dynamic Avatars Create simple cartoon characters to represent ou as your avatar.
  2. Create Avatar – South Park Studios Create a South Park Avatar to represent you.
  3. Marvel Create Your Own Superhero | Make Avatars with Iron Man, Hulk, Spider-Man, Thor, Thing, Wolverine, and more Marvel Characters | Marvel.com Simple and easy to create superhero avatar creator.
  4. Toy story toy creator Create your own Toy Story avatar.
  5. M&M’S® Become an M&M’S® Character: Home Create your own personalized M&M avatar.
  6. Raster Boy Avatar Creator Easy to create full body cartoon Avatar.
  7. FaceYourManga.com | Shake Yourself! Another simple cartoon creator.
  8. Lego Avatar Creator Easy Avatar creator that creates Lego Avatars.
  9. Makewee Wii Avatar Creator just like the the Wii console.
  10. Clay Yourself! | Hotels.com Create a claymation avatar.
  11. HeroMachine 2.5, Superhero Generator, Create Your Own Hero – UGO.com Super Hero Avatar creator.
  12. avatarizeyourself.com Create an Avatar movie Avatar. Upload your own picture and then turn yourself blue.
  13. Wimp Yourself Diary of a wimpy kid avatars.
  14. Portrait Illustration Maker : Free Illustration Generater! Simple to use avatar cartoon character creator. Has many different options and styles.
  15. Voki Home This site allows you to create animated and speaking avatars. You can post a link to these speaking avatars on to your website. They can not however be downloaded.