5 Teacher Resource Edtech Tools

With the overwhelming amount edtechtools that can be found on the web, this is the first post in a series to highlight some that I


Classroom (Photo credit: James F Clay)

have found useful in the classroom and are FREE!!

The focus of this post are some TEACHER Tools that I have found useful to use with my students.

  1. Dropbox:  This storage site has proved to be an extremely useful to store and access my files anywhere on any computer. Also the addon of DropitTo.me has been useful for my student to turn in their work. This is a must look at for all teachers!
  2. Classroom Timers:
     Classroom timers have become a staple in my class and are an excellent way to keep students on task. This website provides a list of different types of timers and all are free to use. online-stopwatch.com
  3. Duplichecker: This is a great plagiarism checker and will also check attached files. This is a free site and a great resource. I also have a list here of other plagiarism checkers.
  4. Testmoz: As they state on their website, ” Testmoz is a test generator that sports 4 question types, automatic grading, a really simple interface and detailed reports.” Have used this many times and found it to be very useful.
  5. QuizSnack: Is an easy way to create polls and surveys and post them to a variety of different websites.
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Plagiarism: Learn by Doing – Resources to Help Your Students! (Updated)

Over the past week, I have been receiving projects and papers from students.  During this process, the dreaded plagiarism issue has reared up its ugly head.  Having spent sometime on this issue with my students, I began to wonder what else I could do to help my students understand the issue of plagiarism, so I began looking at different plagiarism services on the web.  This was not for me to detect plagiarism, but for the students to use to check their own work.  Much of what I am seeing from my students is that they truly believe that they are not plagiarizing, so this list of resources I have put together below are for students and teachers to use to check their work prior to turning in their assignments.  This will provide a great learning tool about plagiarism for the students.  This way student will learn by doing and can begin to see what truly constitutes plagiarism.

If you know of a site, I missed please let me know. Thanks!

Plagiarism Links

FREE Services

  1. Article Checker: http://www.articlechecker.com/ This site will check content by pasting either content or a web address into its search boxes.  This is a free service.
  2. Dupli Checker: http://www.duplichecker.com/ Again, a simple site where you just paste in your content and it will check that content for plagiarism.  This is a completely free site.
  3. Google Scholar: http://scholar.google.com/ A free service that checks content for plagiarism.
  4. Doc Cop: http://www.doccop.com/index.html?nc=91412695 You must register and provide an email for them to send you the results. You can upload .doc and .pdf files as well as upload websites. This service will also compare student work to each others to look at collusion.
  5. Plagium: http://www.plagium.com/ Another free service that allows you to cut and paste material on to their website.
  6. WCopyfind: http://plagiarism.phys.virginia.edu/Wsoftware.html This is some free software that mainly looks a collusion.  You must have content accessible via your computer. This program will not search the web.
  7. SafeAssign: http://wiki.safeassign.com/display/SAFE/Home This is a service free of charge for Blackboard users.
  8. Crossrefme: http://www.crossrefme.net/ This is a service offered by plagiarism.org.  Again, this is a free cut and paste service that searches the web to look for similar content.
  9. PlagiarismChecker.com: http://www.plagiarismchecker.com/ Another cut and paste service that uses Google and Yahoo option in their search function.
  10. Searchmaze: http://searchmaze.com/plagiarism.html Free cut and paste search application to detect plagiarism.

FREE and PAY Services

  1. The Plagiarism Checker: http://www.dustball.com/cs/plagiarism.checker Created by the University of Maryland, simply cut and paste content into this webpage, and it will check for plagiarism. There is a free option and a more advanced option for $15.00 a month.
  2. PlagiarismDetect.com: http://www.plagiarismdetect.com/ This site offers different services for check papers and content for plagiarism.  It ranges from a free service to a one time fee of $29.99.
  3. SeeSource.com: http://plagscan.com/seesources/plagiate.php They offer a free service that allows you to upload word and text files to be scanned.  They also have a link to pay service that is more robust located at: http://plagscan.com/
  4. Glatt SelfTest: http://www.plagiarism.com/self.detect.htm This is a simple self check to cut and paste your content in, and it will check it for plagiarism.  To obtain your own copy of this program it is $65.00.
  5. PaperRater: http://www.paperrater.com/ This site has a free and a pay service to look over papers for students.  This site checks plagiarism as well as other writing conventions.
  6. EssayRater: http://www.essayrater.com/?gclid=CLu5pJqqhaACFRcdawodrB35lw Great service for high school students to check their essays not only for plagiarism but word choice, spelling, grammar and other conventions.

Pay only Services

  1. Turnitin: http://turnitin.com/static/index.html This is a service that provides entire schools and individuals a plagiarism service.  If you contact them via their website, they will quote you a price for their service.
  2. Viper: http://www.scanmyessay.com/ This is a program that you download to your computer to check content for plagiarism.  There are three different plans to choose from each offering different services. This site is geared toward college students.
  3. Eve2: http://www.canexus.com/ This is a software package that has a one time fee of $29.99.
  4. Plagiarism Finder 1.2.2: http://download.cnet.com/Plagiarism-Finder/3000-2051_4-10294099.html This is a software download that gives you a 30 day trial but costs $125.00

Good Plagiarism Information Sites

  1. Plagiarism dot Org: http://www.plagiarism.org/ This site provided great information on plagiarism and is a great resource for students.  Also, they do provide a service that will check papers for students for a fee. This service is called “Writecheck” located at: http://writecheck.turnitin.com.
  2. Plagiarism on the Web: http://www.comp.lancs.ac.uk/~angie/plagiarism/plaglinks.htm There is a great list of resources here for students and teachers to use when discussing plagiarism.
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